Monday, January 26, 2015

Family mugs

Last year my parents in law bought a house in the Lyon countryside.

On our first morning on Easter week-end they served breakfast with the any-mug-you-can-find-is-good style.
Some mugs were left from the old owners, some were brought from the city, and others from random places. The result was a mix of old and rusty mugs. And we all know that to start the day in the best way you need the perfect mug for your hot coffee.

So It came to me the idea to make something special for the family, where each member of the family would have their own mug.
Grandparents, children, grandchildren and future incomes will have their personalized breakfast.
So this Christmas when they unwrapped their present, we all couldn't wait for the next morning!

I hope you like my idea :) 

To decorate the mugs I used home ceramic paintings by Pébéo.
I painted the mugs and cooked them in the oven for 30'.
Simple and worth it!